Olivia’s party

On Saturday the 22nd Astrid turned 18 months and she got to celebrate in style at Olivia’s party! Olivia and Astrid are 1 day shy of 6 months apart in age and it amazing to think just 6 months ago our little one was turning one. Now it is Olivia’s turn!

It was a hot summer day but we were looking forward to catching up with lots of friends we hadn’t seen since before our trip.  The party started at lunch time, so no lunch time nap for Miss Astrid. She had a 10 minute power nap in the car on the way to the party and was not that impressed about being woken up. Some cuddles and some delicious party food changed her mind though.

Nat always has an excellent array of party food, and Olivia’s party was no exception. Her theme was flowers and there was of course lots of lovely flower themed food.  Astrid didn’t waste any time getting stuck into some sausages and fairy bread. She also checked out Keef’s beer, but she is a little young to try one. We had to explain that 18 months is not 18 years!


 After some food it was time for pass the parcel, which Astrid managed to score several chocolates out of, which she immediately tucked into. She also won the main prize, some pencils, paper and a bubble gun. All have come in very handy! She was a happy little camper……

All full of chocolate Astrid decided that Warren and Swe could even have some cuddles. She seemed particularly impressed that Warren is so tall and she could be up really high!


 After some pinata (which she had a good go at whacking with dad’s help) it was time for the yummy sweet stuff and lots of cake……. Apparently both chocolate crackles and strawberry icecream were hits!


Young Olivia was also spotted enjoying her party and particularly that icecream…… she did look very cute in the outfit made by Monica. You can’t beat a little girl in a cute matching dress and hat……..


 Despite it turning out to be a very hot afternoon we thoroughly enjoyed catching up with friends and celebrating Olivia’s birthday. We were rather thankful that Keef finished his pergola before the party, so we got some much needed shade. We did also impose upon Keef for his photographic skills (he is seemingly the only one of our friends and family who can work our camera) so we could get a family shot.

On the way home Astrid has a very short refresher nap that was just enough to give her energy to play with her party bag. The flower lei and the bag were huge hits. The pencils have been carried around in her bag non-stop for the last week!


We are happy to report that Astrid did manage to sleep that night, despite ingesting half a kilo sausages, frankfurters, sauce and about 3kgs of sugar and food colouring. We hope Olivia enjoyed her birthday party as much as everyone else seemed to. Looking forward to next year!

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