We arrived home on the afternoon of the 29th and proceeded to unpack and get ready for Christmas take 2!!!
The 30th dawned bright, and only marginally early, since everyone was tired from travelling and still operating on Queensland time…… It was Christmas again! We weren’t celebrating until the afternoon so Anto and Astrid headed off to the shops to pick up some last minute gifts that hadn’t arrived before we left for Queensland and a few extra supplies for our dinner. Soren and I stayed and he supervised me tidying the house and preparing the house for our Christmas dinner.
After Astrid’s nap all was in readiness for Christmas take 2!
Once the grandparents and Uncle arrived it was time for afternoon tea and presents……. there certainly were alot of presents, and again Astrid got the joy of helping open pretty much all of them! Soren was largely oblivious but did get to witness one or two of his opened before he had to head off for another nap.
Astrid had a ball discovering all her new bits and pieces. I’m not sure what was the biggest hit, her new blackboard/whiteboard or dad’s remote control helicopter. Gee, Astrid and Soren are good shoppers making sure their dad had a new toy to play with! Once Astrid discovered how the train set worked that was also a big hit. She immediately named all the trains Thomas 🙂
Once Soren was up from his nap it was cuddle time.
Then he got to open his presents with Astrid’s assistance. He doesn’t look all that impressed with the whole process. Lucky he has a big sister to help with all his goodies. She is quite fond of most of his presents, so they have good use before he has even gotten to them.

All the presents opened and played with, it was time for dinner. We decided to go for the hot roast and on the menu was:
- Stuffed roast turkey
- Lentil loaf for the vego’s
- Pancetta stuffing cups
- Roasted sweet potato, pumpkin and potato
- Freshly shelled peas and green beans
- Home-made cranberry sauce
- Anto’s turkey gravy
- Tahini and mushroom sauce
- Brown onion gravy
As you can see we had an abundance of sauce options!

Soren had to spend dinner in his bouncer, he looked a bit unimpressed about his lack of turkey access. What are the chances he will share my vego ways and leave the turkey for his sister? Astrid certainly enjoyed the turkey and cranberry sauce this year. She is happy to eat it all year around so she wasn’t complaining about a nice turkey dinner.

After the smallest members of our family were happily in bed and asleep it was time for dessert. We went traditional again with the dark chocolate and treacle fruit Christmas pudding we made and home-made custard. With coffee on the side of course!

There might have been a food coma, or at least a sugar one after all that. Christmas was over, again……… and I’m sure the next one is around the corner……..or so it will seem!