Astrid’s birthday dawned early and cold. She had already opened some presents from Great Aunt Sue the previous afternoon and decided presents were good! On her birthday morning we opened the card and pressies from mum and dad. Yay, more noisy wooden toys (gee she has good parents). Then breakfast and off for our swimming lesson with Karin and Hannah. After getting home and having a sleep her Granny and Grumps had arrived, back from their big European adventure. Cue more presents and general fun. After an afternoon of sleeping (kinda) and playing with her new toys and dancing to her new Elmo, while mum cleaned the house in preparation for the party, she was off to bed for a good nights sleep while the grandparents, and Uncle Mikl assisted with all the assembling and decorating of the food.
Party day arrived and we had a good morning turning the house into a pink, red and white birdie extravaganza. Astrid gave us at least an hours sleep and got up and dressed in her party outfit, just in time for Auntie Triona to arrive for more presents. Then all the guests started arriving and the fun began.
Let’s just say Astrid enjoyed her birthday party! I hope everyone else did too (they seemed to). It was great that so many people could come to help her celebrate being one year old!! Especially those that travelled from interstate. Astrid certainly enjoyed trying all the food (her shirt proved it by the end of the day) and chatting to all the guests, even if sometimes it was from the safety of mum, dad or grandparent arms. Generally, she survived the few hours whinge free and partied on, powered by sugar and food colouring. Crawling around in her fluffy skirt was very exciting and it was good being the centre of attention (or more importantly, eating everyone’s food). I don’t think I got to eat much food because a certain baby stole it off me every time I tried.
She liked playing with all the kids and babies. The kids enjoyed exploring the house, alpacas and toys. Everyone ate lots of food. Fun was had, cake was cut, happy birthday sung (she really didn’t know what that was all about), and cake eaten. Then it was time for everyone to go home and Astrid to reluctantly have an arvo sleep. Upon waking she discovered a big pile of presents (or more importantly paper and cardboard) for her to destroy. A week later, and we are still discovering all the new toys and books that have appeared. So many new things to explore!