Celebrating 100 posts with Inti and Chimu

So this is the 100th post for the blog……. given the blog is called ‘The Camelid Castle’ I have noted there has been a dearth of Camelid photos. So to celebrate making it to 100 posts and over 5,500 page views, I thought I should include some recent photos of the two Alpacas.

These were taken with my new camera, which I’m really enjoying the results from. But more about the new camera in a future post.  Here are Inti and Chimu enjoying their walk in ‘the paddock’ on last weekend on a very hot day.


I love that I caught the insect that is buzzing in front of his face and he is staring at!


Thanks to all those reading and commenting on blog posts. I know we (Anto does occasionally post) have a few loyal followers. As a bonus, not all of them are related to us!  I hope you continue to read and please comment more. I like hearing what you all have to say……..  no really, I do!

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