Watching Playschool……..

Playschool is pretty much the best thing ever when you are 21 months old, and Astrid! It’s really the only TV she likes and watches. She started her Playschool obsession while we were travelling through Europe and it was a savior during long flights and train trips.

These days she is happy to sit down and watch an episode or two and let her parents get something done. It’s the only time we can be guaranteed she is both quiet and still!

Astrid has taken to sitting on her beanbag or a pile of cushions and rugs in front of the coffee table for a better view.  She is rather cute propped up watching her favourite show.

Our only challenge is convincing her that sometimes playschool is over and there aren’t any more on. We think she has figured out that we can make them appear on demand and tries to negotiate further episodes by repeated pleading of ‘just one more please mummy/daddy’. One more is never enough though………

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