Coconut and Lime Syrup Cake – all for Grandma’s birthday!

Astrid and I recently made a coconut and lime syrup cake together.  Astrid is a huge fan of baking, as long as it involves mixing and bowl licking. The bowl and spoon licking is definitely the best bit!

We decided to make the cake as it was Grandma (aka Lorraine’s) birthday.  I’ve been meaning to make this cake for awhile and this seemed like a good excuse.  The recipe is on my recipe blog, here, and it’s dead easy. Astrid could pretty much make it on her own!  I did find the syrup didn’t quite make enough for my liking and have since doubled and tripled the syrup mixture in subsequent attempts.  We have plenty of limes on our lime trees at the moment, so there is no shortage of lime syrup to be made.

 After a nice meal out at a local Indian restaurant to celebrate Lorraine’s birthday we came back to our place for cake and coffee.  Astrid was happy to give Grandma birthday kisses.

But she was even happier to help her blow out her candle and taste the finished product.  It was delicious with cream, and I might have eaten a few slices myself.

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