My not so little brother got married at the start of this month. I’ve been meaning to post some photos from their wedding but have had my hands full, so am only just getting around to it now.
Andrew and Alison got married on a Friday, in a lunchtime wedding down at the Cotter (a local river). After some very strange weather in the lead up to their wedding the day was a beautiful and sunny 27 degrees! The wedding ceremony was a very casual ceremony under a tree, followed by a spit roast lunch under a marquee.
Soren was 2.5 weeks old when they got married, so Anto and I were pretty tired and I spent a lot of the day feeding. Soren was an angel though, and aside from getting a bit warm under the marquee, he mostly just slept and fed for the whole day and got passed around for cuddles. Astrid had a ball, running around in her pretty dress and playing with the other kids, eating the food…….. and of course getting lots of attention!
I’ll share a few photos from the day. Some were taken by Anto, some by me, and the odd family one from my dad (we are slowly getting him used to using our camera). We didn’t try to take too many of the ceremony and bride and groom since they had photographers for that job! We did grab a few shots here and there though. We were very restrained though and took only a fraction of our normal amount. Something about being tired and constantly holding a newborn, perhaps?
Us all dressed up and ready to go…..

Astrid showing off her pretty dress with Granny………

Alison has a nephew, Flynn, who is a few weeks younger than Astrid. Despite having never met before they had a ball together. Hugging, kissing and playing. Flynn was also determined to photo bomb every shot we took, but he is oh so cute! …… and yes that is Flynn hugging Anto’s leg, even though he had never met us before 🙂 We thought we were going home with 3 children at one stage!

Now onto the wedding……..
the boys waiting for the bride.

The lovely bride entering……..

The ceremony……….

The Cake

Soren spent the ceremony sleeping in my arms…….. a theme he followed for most of the day when he wasn’t feeding. Everyone was more than happy to cuddle him!

Astrid on the other hand, spent most of the afternoon running around and being cheeky!

Finally, a few family pics…..
Our family

The four generations –
Nan & Pa, my Mum, my siblings and my kids. The photographers took a shot of this grouping so hopefully theirs is better!

Me and the kids with my parents
(love all the stupid faces we were pulling!)