Wasn’t it just October? Now it’s December! What on earth happened to November…….. I think I must have sleep walked through it 🙂
We started the month with my brother’s wedding. After that, all the visiting relatives disappeared back home and we settled into a bit of a routine with a 3 week old Soren. He spent the first few weeks of his life sleeping pretty much anywhere and everywhere! On me, on the couch, on his beanbag and occasionally in his hammock!

Oh how those first few weeks seem so full of cute sleepiness! Even the cats got in on the sleeping act! They are not a fan of babies, but do like all the soft things they come with 🙂

You’ve got to love the fact that the first month babies just like to eat and sleep and are generally easy to settle when not hungry. Sadly about one month he decided to wake up and was not so easy to get to sleep. The trade off was the cute faces and expressions!

Bath time is still a winner! Although at 7.5 weeks he is now having to go diagonally in the bath, so it’s days of newborn bathing bliss are numbered.

There are of course grumpy times too……… gotta love the screaming faces!

Soren also discovered the joy of playing. Staring at the outside at the wind blowing the trees or bright coloured toys on the play mat are great! Nappy off time and laying around naked are also a favourite pastime…… thank goodness for warmer weather now!.
I still find pee everywhere after nappy off time, it doesn’t matter how many towels I put down it though, he outsmarts me. I Didn’t have that issue with Astrid!

Meanwhile, what was Astrid up to? Mostly eating and playing with water………..

There was also a healthy dose of brother cuddling!