Favourite Photo Friday 24/1/14

I am currently undertaking the mammoth task of making a coffee table book of our 2012 Europe trip.  It was a 2 month trip with 7 countries and over 60 blogs and 4,500 photos! It’s taking me quite awhile to turn it into a book. For a few months after we got back from Europe, I was sick of looking at the photos so put the task aside. Then I was a bit busy for most of the year, and I further procrastinated by making all the other photobooks I had wanted to do, putting off the really big one for ‘another time’. I finally cracked into it just before Soren was born but didn’t get too far before I was once again too busy to look at it.  This week I’m back to it, and have managed to (as of last night) do 164 pages of layouts……… only about 100 pages to go.

Anyway, the point of this story is that it’s been really fun reading back through our travel blogs and sorting through all the photos. I’ve come across so many photos I love.  More than will ever end up on our walls! Yesterday I was doing the layouts for our trip to the Loire Valley, France. We had an awesome day touring castles, gardens and chateaus.  I could have spent a week there!  The original blog from that day is here. Full of adventure and pretty pictures.  Here are 3 of my favourite photos from that day, one from each place we visited!

Chateau and Jardins de Villandry

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 500 focal length 18mm
Exposure: 1/160 @ f/13.0

Chateau Amboise

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 800 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/200 @ f/13.0

Chateau de Chambord

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 320 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/800 @ f/13.0

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