Mmmmm cake!

Last week was Trevor (aka Grandpa’s) birthday.  This was of great excitement to Astrid as she loves to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to everyone…….. I spend most days telling her it is not my birthday today. She loves to wrap and open presents and she LOVES cake. She is also very partial to fairy bread and thinks that all ‘birthday parties’ should have fairy bread.  Sadly for her, fairy bread was not on the menu for Grandpa’s birthday. Cake was though!

We decided to make a rum and date cake with caramel sauce.  Astrid is pretty handy in the kitchen and loves to help bake from her helper stool.  Cake making with Dad was a great Summer afternoon activity. She is excellent at mixing these days and doesn’t need much help.

Of course the best bit about making cake, is licking the bowl and spoon!

It was finally Grandpa’s birthday and dinner had been eating, but then there was the torturous wait for cake…….  She showed remarkable restraint for a two year old!

Astrid then demonstrated her excellent candle extinguishing technique. She is all over this birthday thing, and is a little sad it’s 6 months til her next birthday!  I do love the concentration required to blow the candle out.

Here it is, the finished cake! Astrid thought it was pretty good and managed to eat her piece in about 35 seconds.  She then scored it for dessert for a couple of days afterwards. Astrid definitely enjoyed Grandpa’s birthday and is keen for the next birthday to roll around.  I’m sure she will find a way to wrangle some cake before then, though!
Trevor cake 1 Trevor cake 2 Trevor cake 3

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