A morning at the Arboretum………

Astrid’s favourite place to visit the last few months has been the National Arboretum. It opened in Canberra about a year ago and while the trees aren’t yet that big (or exciting) the village centre has a decent cafe – with spectacular views, and a truly awesome playground.  We’ve been to the arboretum a few times for catch-ups with friends, but lately Astrid and Anto have been riding there and meeting Soren and I who take the lazy option of the car up to the top of the hill.

Last month, while my parents were visiting, Astrid requested an Arboretum visit as she wanted Granny and Gramps to take her to the playground. Unfortunately, Astrid was quite sick with the cold we have all been suffering for over 2 weeks now, and didn’t get her bike ride.  She had to make do with the efficient but lazier driving option.

Once at the village centre it was time for morning tea.  Astrid and Granny went off to procure coffee and cakes, while Soren entertained his Gramps with his standing and grinning skills.

Then it was time for morning tea…… where Astrid managed to eat most of the cheesecake and most of a muffin and Soren looked on enviously!

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All full, we headed off for a play at the pod playground.  There are pretty impressive views from the cafe and the playground. One day we will actually walk around some of the trees and sculptures, but for now Astrid is mostly interested in food and playing!


In previous visits to the playground, Astrid has enjoyed the swings and the sand area with small slippery dips and and other activities suitable for toddlers.  Today though, she was keen on climbing up the big pods…… and climb she did!

She wasn’t sure about it all at first but with some encouragement from Gramps got right in there.

With some confidence up, Astrid headed for the really high section……. It is very high.  Anto and Gramps decided they’d better go up with her to. There is nothing funnier than seeing 2 grown men climbing through play equipment 10 metres in the air!  They only just fitted, but made for some entertainment for some other playground onlookers.  Astrid did well though and made it all the way through without any assistance.

The only way down was through a spiral slide, but they all made it down in one piece…….  even if the smaller ones fitted a little better!  By now it was starting to rain quite heavily so we had to bid farewell to the playground. Astrid was not a happy chappy, but we promised to return another, hopefully sunnier day.

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