11 months of Soren – where has the year gone?

Søren hit 11 months on the weekend…….. this time last year I was very pregnant and running around like a headless chook getting everything ready for his arrival.  I can’t believe he is almost one!  Time goes too fast…..

He is getting more cheeky and mischievous by the day.

Who can resist this cheeky face?

That face he is normally stuffing with food, when not charming everyone with the grins……..

It’s hard to get him to stay still. Must be moving all.the.time…….  He really does make it a challenge to get a photo. I have so many that look like this………

Oh and the latest trick is climbing the stairs.  Can’t walk yet but he is up the stairs in a flash!  We have a lot of stairs in the house and he shows no fear.  I see trouble on my hands!

Søren is pretty proud of himself when he gets to to the top.  Luckily he hasn’t attempted going down, just yet!

Lucky you are cute Søren, very lucky…….

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