The official 2014 Aussie Christmas portraits……

One of the problems with having a Mum that likes to take photos, is that she makes you put your pretty clothes on and prance around being cute, just for the sake of some nice photos she can plaster all over the annual Christmas cards.  Why on earth do you have kids, if not to send out cute cards showing off their more angelic moments?

It got to late November and I figured we’d better get moving on the Christmas photos. The outfits were chosen and I planned to get some nice outdoor shots this year.  Of course, despite it still being only Spring, it had been quite hot.  The spot we picked, just across the road from our house, was already full of lovely dry grass. It is all very typical of an Aussie Summer and Christmas in Canberra, and it made a lovely backdrop.

I planned to make the most of beautiful late afternoon/early evening light.  Of course we happened to pick a day when it was 35 degrees and neither child decided to be cooperative and eat their dinner (or have a nice afternoon sleep!).  Bravely (or foolishly) we decided to go ahead with photos and despite the heat, and the tired kidlets we got some pretty great photos. Definitely worth keeping them up past their bedtime!

So here they are, the 2014 Christmas photos. Very Aussie and very cute…….

Miss Astrid, almost 3.5 years and loves to have her photo taken! She had a wonderful time playing in the grass, dancing and spinning with baubles, and generally looking gorgeous in her special Christmas dress.

Master Søren, 13 months and not quite walking when these pictures were taken. He doesn’t like to stay still, or follow direction, but he is super cheeky and loved the baubles. There were shouts of ball, ball, ball, at all the baubles!

Getting the two of them together, smiling and being cooperative, not an easy task. This photo though made it all worthwhile….

They do love each other (most of the time) and are great partners in crime or at least baby and toddler mischief!

It’s been another year of fun and adventure (and not quite enough sleep) at the Camelid Castle.  There will be plenty more posts over the next few weeks, but for now the Christmas cards are out so….

Merry Christmas to all my blog readers, I hope you have a wonderful day!

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