The favourite photos of 2014 collection – the food edition

I haven’t posted much recently since I’ve been tidying up my photos from the last year.  The 2014 photos are now all locked and loaded and I only took 12,460 for the year.  OK, only is an understatement but that is not the highest annual photo count, so I was fairly restrained (maybe).  Anto did take some of those, and Astrid got a little snap happy with our Canon Ixus so I can blame them for some of the shots . The majority of those pics were with our DSLRs and were taken by me.

I do post quite a few photos throughout the year but there are lots and lots that never see the light of day.  I tend to mostly post travel photos and kiddy pics but I also take quite a few photos of our animals, the garden and food, glorious food.

In tidying up the photo collections for the year, I thought it might be nice to post some of my favourite food, garden, animal and travel photos.  I will also do the yearly timeline for each of the kids, since it’s fun to see how much they grow over the 12 months. So stand by for photo overload in the next week or so.

I’ll kick off with my favourite food pics of the year.  Food photography is not something I’m good at.  I need to practice more!  I tend to take a few pics of our baking activities and try and get shots of birthday cakes, party food and the odd dinner.  I think this year I’ll try and improve the food photography, but for now here are some of my favourite food pics of the year…….

All the sweet stuff (we love to bake)……….

The savoury bites………

Party food (2 children meant 2 parties this year and so much food)!…..

With all that cooking it’s lucky I have my best baking assistant…… Miss Astrid! (Soren is starting to be keen on cooking too).

…….. and most importantly, my two food monsters to help eat it all!

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