It’s time for another European adventure…….

After our big Europe trip in 2012 (with a mini-sized Astrid in tow), we’ve been hoping to go back.  It didn’t quite happen last year, but plans are afoot for a white Christmas (and New Year).  This time there will be two little Camelid Castle adventurers to be carted around.  I hear they are both fond of pain au chocolat……… and lets face it all forms of chocolate!  I’m fairly sure we can fulfill that request.

Our last trip we based ourselves in Paris but saw some of regional France and ventured to Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden and finished with a couple of days in London.  It was cold at times but we had a ball. I’ve previously posted about a million photos of our trip on this blog but here are a few to refresh your memory……..

Now the question is, where do we go this time?  We have plans to meet up with friends in Sweden, prior to Christmas. There are a few places we want to go back to, like Paris and Zurich.  There are of course more places to go and things to see than we have time (and money) for. So, intrepid blog readers (and world travelers), where would you suggest we spend some time during December and January? Do you have any hot tips for places to spend Christmas or New Year? Are there places you’ve been that you can recommend?

We are working on  an itinerary at the moment, but it’s still in the planning stage, so I’d love to hear any brilliant suggestions or insider tips!

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