Astrid is 5!

The last 5 years have gone by in the blink of an eye…..

Here we are with a 5 year old! Half a decade of being parents.  Half-way to double digits for Miss Astrid Élodie.

I’m sure I was just writing her 4-year old post.  The last year has flown by at record speed.  At this rate she’ll be in high school before we know it!

Astrid’s 5th year has been massive.  Finishing off her year at preschool, and now almost half-way through her first year of full-time school (kindergarten).  We’ve had more overseas travel and busy days with school, swimming and gymnastics.

Life is very different with her in full-time school. Our time together is shorter, but busier.  No longer are we the ones to teach her everything, she is out in the big world, learning and growing.

She is still the same Astrid, bossy, independent, argumentative and clever.  She knows everything about everything (and is still always right even when she is wrong). She tries to negotiate and argue her way out of every situation.  She still can’t be on time for anything and spends half the time with her head in the clouds.  She is messy and forgets where all her things are.  She drives me mental on a daily basis but then amazes me with her kindness, empathy, love and intellect.  She makes me resort to google to answer her clever questions more often than I care to admit!

The tantrums have been epic the last year. No one can stomp and slam doors and get hysterical the same way Astrid can…… we aren’t looking forward to the teenage years!

Some things never change though. Astrid still loves to talk (almost as much as she loves to bake and eat).  It has been 5 years since I last knew the sound of silence.  She still adores her pets, her brother, her grandparents and all her friends.

The last 5 years have been a bit of a wild ride.  Noisy, messy and full of tantrums, arguments, memories and love. We’ve packed a lot into our 5 years together.

Words cannot describe how she has grown and changed over the years, so here is the link to a little slideshow I’ve put together…….

5 years of Miss Astrid…….

We hope the next 5 years are just as full of fun, love and adventure and are looking forward to more cake and most importantly more chocolate croissants with our (not so little any more) Astrid Élodie.

2016-06-21_0003 2016-06-21_0004

Happy 5th birthday Astrid!

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