Favourite Photo Friday – 10/6/16

Another week, another collection of pictures of my favourite subjects.  These are all from the new camera (Nikon D750). I’m still testing it out, but so far I’ve been pretty happy! It’s been great being able to bump my ISO up when there isn’t enough light and the focus has been super-speedy, even in low-light.

Soren – 2 years, 7 months

Despite being Autumn, our garden has decided that it’s time for the Spring bulbs to start flowering.  Soren is a fan of smelling the jonquils!


D750 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 3200 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/160 @ f7.1
Soren – 2 years, 7 months
I just loved this image in black and white!  Just like his big sister, Soren is not camera-shy……….


D750 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 3200 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f7.1
Scully – 16 years
I was actually testing the focus on my new 80-200mm lens and saw Scully running down the outside stairs out of the corner of my eye.  I whipped around and managed to get this shot of her leaping down the stairs.  It might be a huge lens, but it focuses fast!


D750 with Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 D-ED
ISO 500 focal length 80mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f2.8

Astrid – 4 years, 10 months

I actually took these rainy photos on Mother’s Day.  We had awful weather all day and by the afternoon we needed to escape the house for a bit, so wet-weather gear went on and I took the camera out for a spin. Astrid loves her raincoat, gumboots and umbrella!


D750 with Nikon 50mm f1.8G
ISO 640 focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/100 @ f2.5


D750 with Nikon 50mm f1.8G
ISO 640 focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f2.5
Soren – 2 years, 7 months
He is a bit of a poser at times! Soren was helping me ‘test’ my new lens. I adore this shot of him……


D750 with Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 D-ED
ISO 500 focal length 120mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f2.8

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