It’s time for another trip….. Hong Kong and Malaysia here we come!

So our next adventure is booked. We are off to Hong Kong and Malaysia in a few weeks! Are there any fellow travellers out there with red-hot tips for our Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur stays?  Especially those who have traveled with kids….what were your favourite places to visit, eat and shop? I’m also interested in tips for visiting Disneyland with kids!

So why Hong Kong and Malaysia?  Well, Anto is turning 40 in a few weeks and we wanted to celebrate and he decided that he would rather a trip away than a party, so a trip needed to be planned! Anto has visited Hong Kong before but not for quite a long time (ahem, over 20 years), and the kids and I have never been.  There are a heap of things we were interested and dong and quite a few kid friendly activities.

Neither of us have been to Malaysia, and Kuala Lumpur is only a 4 hour flight from Hong Kong (and kind of on the way home) so we figured it was worth a visit too.  As much as we love Singapore, we have opted for nearby KL on this trip for something different.

It is currently a pretty cold and wet Winter here in Canberra so heading somewhere warm and sunny for a couple of weeks seems pretty appealing. Of course we will be sick of the humidity and heat after about 2 days, no doubt, but for now it seems like a good idea.

So here are our (at this stage very loose plans) for our upcoming trip…….  I welcome all tips and suggestions from those of you who have visited Hong Kong and KL.

Hong Kong

We have 6 nights and 5.5 days in Hong Kong.  There are probably more things to do and see in Hong Kong than we have time and energy for, but we definitely have to fit in a day at Hong Kong Disneyland!  Also on the agenda

  • Lantau Island and a visit to the Big Buddha, Ngong Ping Village, and the cable car ride
  • Ocean Park
  • Victoria Harbour, the star ferry and the nightly skyline laser show
  • Victoria Peak, the tram and skydeck
  • A double-decker bus ride
  • A visit to Hong Kong park and the bird aviary

coverbig-buddhaMain_Entrance_of_Ocean_Park Ocean+Park+Cable+Car victoria peak victoria3HK night

If we get time we might also try to visit Nan Lian garden and Lamma Island.  There will of course also need to be lots of eating. I’m already scoping out the best places for cake and high tea! Anto and the kids are dreaming of seafood.

Kuala Lumpur

We have 4 nights and 4 days in KL.  So far on our list of activities we have:

  • A visit to Petronas Twin Towers
  • The KL bird park
  • The Perdana Botanical Gardens
  • The lake symphony light show


There will also need to be lots of eating! We are all quite fond of Malaysian food…….

So all my fellow travelers, is there anything we really need to add to our list? Do you have any super tips for us on travel times, food or weather? Favourite places to eat or visit?

Those who have visited Disneyland (even if it’s not the Hong Kong Disney) or Ocean Park with kids, what was your plan of attack?  We are trying to arrive at both at opening time and see how long the kids last in the heat. I’m not sure we will make the evening fireworks and parade at Disneyland, but if the kids hang in there we just might.  Soren and Astrid are pretty excited about meeting Mickey Mouse (Soren) and Elsa and Ana (Astrid).  So I’m pretty sure we can fulfil those requests!

HK disney

We are also currently debating whether to take our stroller or not.  We made it all the way through our 7 weeks in Europe without a stroller, but we did take 2 ergos.  Astrid got carried a fair bit for the first couple of weeks but then became a walking super-star and was walking 12-15km or more pretty much every day for the rest of the trip.  Soren still can’t keep up with his little legs, so we will definitely be taking one ergo. It’s definitely harder carrying them in the heat than it is in the cold so Astrid will be walking on this trip. Given we won’t be moving around too much on this trip we won’t have as much issue with taking the stroller, but aren’t sure whether it will be that useful in Hong Kong or KL, or more of a hindrance.  It may come in handy on the days we do Disneyland, Ocean Park or the bird park but I would love to hear from those who have visited these places with kids.

I’m looking forward to sharing lots of Hong Kong and KL pictures, stories and adventures over the next few months! In the meantime I’ll get back to trip planning and eventually post some photos from our recent school holiday adventures……..

29 thoughts on “It’s time for another trip….. Hong Kong and Malaysia here we come!

  1. I recommend staying at the Mandarin Oriental which is right next door to Petronas tower and KLCC park. It’s a great location. The park is lovely and so is the shopping centre. There is a Science centre inside. Mind you we went in December and even then it was too hot and humid for me to really explore the outdoors and I grew up in the tropics. I’d probably use a stroller for that reason. The bird/butterfly/deer park was great. I think it was called Central Park? The grounds are beautiful, lots to explore if you can stand the heat. Try to visit the Batu caves also. Lots of stairs and lots of monkeys!

    It’s been more than 10 years since my HK trip and I didn’t even go to Dis

    1. Yep I think the bird park is in the Perdana Botanical Garden, we were definitely going to pay it a visit! Ah yes the the Petrosains Science Discovery Centre, I did have that on our list, it’s supposed to be fab (and presumably airconditioned ;).

      I’ll look into the Batu caves, sounds interesting.

      It’s going to be hot! We survived 40 degrees and 100% humidity on our last Singapore trip, so it can’t be worse, right ? 🙂

  2. Ocean Park in Hong Kong is good. See some pandas and underwater creatures etc.
    Big Buddha was a highlight for Lucas. He still talks about it (and the big cable car to get there).
    There’s a good little playground on top of the mountain in HK plus you can catch the fenicular rail down.
    Disneyland is good but the food there was pretty ordinary. Toy Story land was the biggest bonus for us.
    We stayed at the Hollywood Disney Hotel i think. It was great and i recommend going to breakfast for the mickey waffles. Mickey comes to say hi. If you have dinner chef mickey comes along (in chef clothes).

    1. Awesome, yep Ocean Park is planned for a day. How long did you end up spending there? Kids are definitely keen on the pandas and sea creatures, not sure if the rides will be too fast for them, but I think there is little kids rides area?

      Big Buddha is planned for our first day (including the cable car up (gah I hate them but did about 40 in Europe) and the playground, village, funicular. If Lucas enjoyed it I’m sure Astrid and Soren will, they are cable car nuts anyway 🙂

      We are staying the first night at the aiport Marriott after a late flight in, hence doing Big Buddha the first day!

    2. We did one day at Ocean Park. It was enough for us. We did the little rides- merry go rounds etc but the big rides are like the ekka.
      The cable car to the big buddha is pretty good but goes forever. The one at Ocean Park is a bit dicey!

    3. We were planning on 1 or 2/3 day at Ocean Park, early start, leave when we’ve had enough so sounds about right. Neither kids is overly keen on big roller coasters so the little rides sound good.

      We did 45 min plus cable cars in Europe and I didn’t die (only got stuck once and 1 minor panic attack, so can probably suck it up). I have heard the Ocean Park one is bad in the wind, was there another way up?

  3. Oh- we stayed at Disney for the 2 days we did Disneyland. We stayed in HK for the rest of the time.
    2 days was about right. Get there early and hang around just inside the entrance and get the kids to look super cute. Lucas was picked as the Grand Marshal – they only pick one per day- and they gave him a pile of thank you gifts (inclusing personalised embroidered mouse ears for us all) and we went at the start of the parade to “Marshal” everyone to the parade. It was a very unexpected bonus.

    1. We are staying all bar the first night in the city so a bit of travel time out to Disney (annoying but we got a hotel deal which was pretty nice). Getting there early was definitely the plan. How long did Lucas last with the walking and heat? We were planning on just doing the one day at Disney so we had time to do Ocean Park as well. I’d love to be there late enough for the parade and fireworks but are doubtful the kids will last that long, especially with the travel time back to the hotel! We’ve had worse days in Europe though.

      Great tip on the Grand Marshal, will definitely plan on them looking ‘cute’ around opening time 😉

      I assume you pre-bought Disney and Ocean Park tickets? That was our thought.

  4. Take the stroller if you’ll only be in a couple of hotels ans not lugging it through multiple legs across Europe!a

    Get to Petronas early for tickets, we only just got some at around 930, lots of tour groups max them out. There is a water play park near the base too I think?

    1. Yeah I’m leaning towards the stroller and 1 ergo. We can leave it in the hotel some days. Only 3 hotels, 2 cities and 3 flight days so not the Europe madness! Assuming Soren will even sit in it any more. I have no problems ergoing him weight wise but find it much sweatier in the heat 🙂

      Good tip on being at Petronas early, will plan that for a morning! Yes I think you are right on the water play park, I should check exactly where it was. Astrid loved the water parks in Singapore (Soren was a little young, 4 mo) but they will both be a good age this time 🙂

  5. We bought the tickets to disney in the hotel.
    Lucas had only been walking a few months remember- he didn’t do a lot of walking. I mean- probably more walking than he’d ever done in his life but nothing compared to what your kids could do. We hired a pram at both Disney and ocean park and we carried him on the Hippy Chick hip seat for a lot of the time.

    1. I do remember he hadn’t been walking long, he did well then. I think Astrid will be fine, she can easily do 15km if we distract her with snacks 😉 Soren I can ergo/or stroller when he gets tired. Mickey waffles might be a good distraction too (he is Mickey obsessed).

      We are staying at the JW Marriott so I’m sure they could do tickets for us (hopefully) as i don’t want to buy too early in case of a random typhoon or child gastro etc!

  6. Absolutely love Hong Kong. I’ve been solo for work lots of times and we’ve taken the kids once (Evie was 3.5 and Jonah was 1). We did a lot of eating while we were there. An unexpected highlight was the Star Ferry crossing. The kids absolutely loved it. Also recommend getting a hotel room with a view if you haven’t already booked. I don’t usually spend extra on a view but it is definitely worth it in Hong Kong – especially if you are stuck in at night with the kidlets.

    We also love a Disney Park… And have been to Tokyo, Paris and Orlando but not the one in HK. I’ve heard it’s great for little people as it is compact. As a general Disney tip make sure you work out and use the FastPass system. It’s a great way of cutting down the wait time for some attractions and not everyone bothers to figure it out. Some of the parks have phone apps that show you wait times on the different rides. I’d recommend this if they have it for HK as you can head to those that are less busy.
    With the Princesses you may not always get to see the Princess you are hoping to so definitely prep Astrid for that (we lined up for almost 2 hours in Paris hoping to see Rapunzel and we got Tiana . Evie was still thrilled even though she’s never seen the Princess and the Frog.

  7. Thanks Jenny, I knew you’d have some good tips 🙂 We were thinking of doing the ferry twice if the kids like it (once during the day and once at night) since it’s cheap 🙂 Eating is definitely on the agenda 😉

    I’ll have to check which rides are FastPass, will check out the phone app too, sounds like a good plan! I think Astrid will be happy to see any Disney characer but will definitely warn her we may not get Ana and Elsa!

    1. I was waiting for my Disney expert to comment! It’s apparently a lot smaller than the other parks (which is probably good with young kids and only 1 day there anyway). any favourite rides or lands?

    2. Yes quite a lot smaller. I think the biggest hit will be Toy Story Land and also Fantasyland. If you can to mystic manner and do a swap so you each get to go while outside with the kids you have to as apparently it’s the best ride in the whole park. When I went it was about half the size it is now. They have autopia as well which is the cars you drive around so I think the kids will love that

    3. Ride wise – Winnie the Pooh, it’s a small world, dumbo etc as well as autopia. For you guys def space mountain & big grizzly mine cars. I think every ride in toy story will be a hit. Also don’t forget to look into character breakfast and if it says you can book 60 days out do it otherwise you won’t get in!

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