On the dinosaur trail in the Botanic Gardens…

School is back today!  Astrid was excited to head back to school, but we’d managed to pack a fair bit of fun (and of course photo-taking) into the 2 weeks of school holidays.

As is usual for the Winter school holidays in Canberra, the weather was nothing short of atrocious.  We still managed to get outside most days and even escaped Canberra for a few days (only to return to storms and snow).

Plenty of pictures of school holiday happenings to come but our first outing of the holidays was to the National Botanic Gardens on the Monday of the first week of the holidays.  There was a free ‘dinosaur trail’ during the first week of holidays, so we met up with friends and went on a dinosaur hunt.

In typical Canberra Winter style it was 2 degrees and very foggy (it only got to 6 degrees that day, sigh).  The kids didn’t care though, they had fun bundling up in their warm gear and walking through the gardens following the signs and dinosaur footprints.

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Despite the appalling weather the Botanic Gardens were packed with little kids by 10am.  Us Canberrans are a hardy bunch (and like a free school-holiday activity).

With maps in hand the kids went searching for dinosaurs through the gardens.  Some were big, some were small, some were high and some were very tall!

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We had a good wander through the gardens and found all the dinosaurs (and plenty of mud).  The kids enjoyed the (foggy) fresh air and the adults even eventually managed a coffee from the very busy cafe, before we retreated home to the warm (and hours of craft!).

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