Welcoming Baby Bob…….

Astrid and Soren finally have a cousin!  My brother Andrew and sister-in-law Alison had their first baby, Robert James, back at the start of October.  Astrid and Soren were beyond excited to go and visit baby Bob in hospital when he was just 2 days old…….

2016-12-05_0002Astrid was totally smitten with her new cousin, and did not want to take her eyes off him. Soren was not quite so sure about his cousin, and didn’t want too many cuddles on the first visit. He has since  been chatting non-stop about his baby cousin and was much happier to hold and talk to him on subsequent visits.

2016-12-05_0001 2016-12-05_00032016-12-05_0004 2016-12-05_0005Alison and Andrew were certainly very proud new parents!
2016-12-05_0006 2016-12-05_0007 2016-12-05_0008 2016-12-05_0009 2016-12-05_0010When baby Bob was 11 days old, and settled in at home, I ventured over to their place to make sure I could capture some of those precious first days at home with a new baby.

2016-12-05_0015 2016-12-05_0016 2016-12-05_0017I know that when you are a new parent, every day seems to go forever…… and everyone is always telling you that they grow up so fast. At that time it’s hard to believe you won’t always have this tiny, squishy little baby as each day seems kind of like the one before, just with less sleep!  It’s amazing though to look back on those early photos and realise how they have grown and how life has changed.
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The whole family was in on the shoot, with dog Tigger, more than happy to have his photo taken too!  He was a tad curious about the new addition to the family.

2016-12-05_0011 2016-12-05_0012 2016-12-05_0013 2016-12-05_0014Baby Bob is my first chance to be an Aunty, so of course my camera got a good workout! Who wouldn’t wan’t to take a million photos of this cute little bundle?  These are just a few of my many favourites.

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Welcome to the family baby Bob!


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