Europe – the 2017 adventure is about to launch……..

So the bags and locked and almost loaded and the next adventure is almost underway.  For those that missed it, we are about to head off on another trek around a random assortment of countries – Singapore, Finland, Estonia, the Netherlands, Italy and France…..

As usual there is a packed itinerary and plans for about a million photos! All the details are in this blog post……

This trip has presented more than a challenge or two in the packing stakes. It has been sub-zero and snowing in Finland and Estonia. Singapore is always above 30 degrees and humid. We also have almost 3 weeks of cycling to contend with.

How exactly do you pack for 40 degree temperature swings with a full cycling kit, and limited access to washing?  I’m not sure I really know the answer, but we’ve given it a go.  Anto has been determined we were only taking 2 bags as luggage movements with 2 small kids have always been our nemesis.  After a month of careful packing and luggage culling we were in 2 bags. The change in security measures this week means we have now gone to 3 bags in case we end up having to check our copious amounts of electronics (yes we are those people with multiple laptops, tablets, hard-drives and about 9kg of camera gear).  Meanwhile I have 3 pairs of pants for 5.5 weeks!

At any rate we are under 45kg of luggage for 4 people for 5.5 weeks, from snow to tropics, with cycle gear.  I’ll let you know how that goes, I suspect we are still going to have taken some things we don’t use or we’ll end up very smelly.  Probably the smelly option!  There is a spare bag for shopping in Paris so it’s not all bad news.

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Of course there will be many stories of our adventures and about a million photos to share.  There was once a time I actually kept up with the travel blogging while we were away, I now take way too many photos and write too much!

I love sharing our travel stories (the good, the bad and the ugly) and of course lots of pretty pictures.  Blogs of our adventures will appear from time to time during the next 6 weeks so keep an eye out for them. I know I’ll be hopelessly behind on blogging from about a week in, especially once we start the riding part of our holiday and I’ll be collapsing on a bed or having a well-deserved wine at the end of a long day of riding.  Eventually all the blogs will appear but in the meantime I will do my best to share a few stories and photos here and there!

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I will also be posting a few of my favourite photos from our current location on Instagram, you can follow me here camelidcastle.

I’m always happy to hear your comments and thoughts on any posts and if you have any questions you can email me at   Make sure you stop by from time to time and see what we’ve been up to. I love hearing from everyone back home.  I’m sure there will be plenty of stories (and photos) of food, fun and adventure over the next 5 or so weeks!!!

7 thoughts on “Europe – the 2017 adventure is about to launch……..

  1. Alena I figured you’d be keen to see some of the places we are going 🙂 It’s been snowing in Helsinki and Tallin but warm front coming through on the weekend so it’s going to melt! Tallin looks cold again by the time we get there, we are going to freeze after Singapore 🙂

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