Where are we off to next?…….

So it’s been months since our last trip……. the kids have itchy feet and have been asking non-stop about when our next trip will be and where we will be going!  When I did the trip wrap-up post after our Europe trip I said we didn’t have anything planned but were working on plans for 2018.  Well since then, there has been a lot of travel booking going on.

First up it’s a trip to Bali in January!  Then there is another epic Europe trip in the works for early 2018, but more about that later………

Why Bali?  Well, every time we run (or cycle) around a random assortment of countries on one of our crazy holidays (usually in freezing temperatures) we wonder why we don’t book one of those holidays where you fly somewhere warm, and then lay around a pool sipping on cocktails. We tried a version of that back in 2014 when we took the kids to Thailand (Khao Lak and Koh Samui) for a few weeks.  We had a great time but it was too long by the pool and not enough action for us (although the elephant trekking was awesome).  Since then we haven’t yet managed to pull off another ‘relaxing’ holiday, but we are going to give it a go……. and this time around we thought we’d try Bali.  In January we are heading to Nusa Dua, Bali and staying at the Sofitel Nusa Dua for 8 nights.

I’ve actually been to Bali before, way back when I finished uni and did a bit of traveling with my friend Karin.  Anto and the kids have never been to Bali – shameful for Aussie kids with an impressive array of countries under their belts, as it’s a pretty common overseas jaunt when you are an Aussie!  Anto has been to Indonesia (for work), but not Bali. He will be tacking a work trip on the end of our Bali adventure, while the kids and I head home for the start of the school year.  We are all rather looking forward to a week of swimming in beautiful pools, eating our way through delicious food, and hopefully a little bit of adventure outside of the resort.

So, all of you who have been to Bali (with or without kids), hit me up with any tips or suggestions for our Bali trip. Have you been to Nusa Dua before? What activities outside of resorts did you enjoy? Where was your favourite place to eat (regular blog readers know it’s all about the food!).  Are there any fabulous photos spots that I should know about, because lets face it there is no way my camera gear is going to stay at home!

I’m looking forward to getting a few tips from fellow travelers as so far we have nothing much planned. I’m neck-deep in planning the next (somewhat logistically complicated) Europe adventure and the Bali trip is all booked and confirmed, but this relaxing holiday thing is a little bit difficult to deal with for me.  Flights and accommodation and transfers are dealt with and there is nothing else to do……… We have 8 days available and no plans whatsoever!

17 thoughts on “Where are we off to next?…….

  1. I’m going back in April. I plan to visit- Bali marine and safari park. Have been once before and liked it. The kids will love it.
    Waterbom park is great fun. the beach clubs like Ku De Ta and Potato Head are ok, however very “hip” and full of young Aussies partying. Also Finns Beach Club is meant to be good. I haven’t been. We are also going over to Nusa Lembongan.

    1. Monkey temple could be interesting, we missed the one in Malaysia last year due to an imminent terrorist attack and the kids were a bit disappointed 🙂 I think we are too old for hip places, last time I went to Bali I was 20 and I wasn’t even cool enough then 😉 we plan to do a lot of eating 🙂

    2. Yes I’m not sure if we will be going to any of the beach clubs with the kids.

      They have a street called Eat Street or something similar in Seminyak. Lots of nice restaurants. I really liked Cafe Bali.

  2. OMG Bali is awesome! We were so sceptical when we booked but totally hooked and can’t wait to go back!!

    Tannah Lot is really lovely. It’s a temple on a little island. You can see it in my Bali photos. Seminyak as well as Nusa Dua. We didn’t get up to Ubud but definitely worth going to (on our next time lost add it was too close to the volcano – that never actually errupted, which was imminent when we were there).

    I can give your a fabulous driver details is you want one.

  3. You guys look like you had a good time. I went 19 years ago and it was nice outside of Kuta (loved Ubud) but this is the first time for the kids/Anto. We are staying in Nusa Dua. Yep would like the driver details, also have another contact from Kate, my trusty Bali regular 🙂

  4. We were also in Nusa Dua. Our driver is a long time relied on driver my in laws have been using for years. It was so awesome. We absolutely LOVED it! You need to spend a lot of time just relaxing by the pool and doing nothing.

  5. Haha Liz yeah I plan to relax but I’m already getting twitchy about 8 days with nothing to do but swim, eat and drink cocktails!! Resort has a kids club which kids think will be fab but not sure how much they will actually want to go so planning some activities in between. Tanah lot is defnitely on the list for photo purposes 🙂

  6. At Nusa Dua they have the water sports. You might see deals offering trips to “Turtle island”. I did it last time and it wasn’t great. For a start it’s not actually an island, but they take you there on a boat. The animals are kept in small cages etc. if you look up reviews on Trip advisor they aren’t good. I wouldn’t recommend going.

  7. Rebecca haha yeah we were actually looking into Hawaii but the flight cost wasn’t great for the school holidays and that volcano in Bali benefitted us in the flight cost department 🙂

    I figured you’d be all over the Europe plans (I might be having a bit of a birthday celebration 😉 !! Patience, I’ll get there……… but I will be hitting you up for Disney advice 😉

  8. I wrote a long reponse and lost it all!

    I haven’t stayed in ND so don’t have any local food recommendations, but if you are up in Seminyak our faves are Sacred Ground on Double Six (JL Arjuna) for coffee/brunch/lunch or Ultimo on Eat St (JL Laksmana) for dinner.

    The Safari and Marine Park is fantastic but very busy and I wouldn’t ever go without sannybalitours. He is a registered guide and will take you against the flow so you don’t have to wait in line or miss anything. Take your swimmers!

    Make sure you take sunscreen, but most other toiletries are very cheap in apoteks/supermarkets.

  9. Thanks Kate! Oh yes good reminder about the sunscreen, we always need to remember to take enough to dip ourselves in 4 times a day due to our glow in the dark tendencies 🙂 It’s always $$$ in Fiji and Thailand too 🙂

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