2022 garden review – a year of colour!

I’m woefully absent with blogs of late. Way too much on and even less time than normal. I did finally, however, catch up on all my photo editing from 2022. I had managed to take plenty of pictures throughout the year – of course the travel photos and plenty of the kids and animals but I also love to take photos in our garden. I have quite a collection from the year and rather than them sitting on my photo server I thought I’d throw a collection in a blog. It was definitely a year with plenty of colour!


2022 was a much cooler and wetter year than several before and January was the month of the agapganthus, dahlias and dietes.

We also had a good crop of flowers from the the echinacea. They are definitely fun to photograph!

Our dahlias always flower late Summer and into Autumn. They are often dinner plate sized and need a few stakes to stop them tumbling over!

We always know Autumn is approaching when the crepe myrtle starts flowering. Inti loves to eat it, so it’s always well trimmed to alpaca reaching level!


Autumn in Canberra brings cooler nights and warm days, for at least March. Autumn flowering bulbs come out and are quickly followed by fantastic displays of colour from our deciduous trees. Then we spend every weekend cleaning up leaves!

Autumn is a great time to see the bees hard at work on the lavender plants too!

I love our impressive array of colourful deciduous trees but the piles of leaves are also impressive!


Winter in Canberra is always cold. Although 2022, was mild and wet compared to many of late. We still have plenty of colour with camelias and then the Spring bulbs that decided June and July was ok to flower as it was just so mild overnight, with very few frosts!

Our blossom trees got their Winter buds and look lovely on cold foggy mornings….

With all the rain we had the best display of camelias in several years (recovering from being cooked during 2019 and 2020!) and the jonquils had multiplied into the hundreds…..

We always know that the end of Winter is approaching when the magnolias are in bloom and the crocuses up, heralding the arrival of Spring.

The flowering plum was again in full bloom in August – always a sure sign that the Winter cold is pretty much done for the year!


It’s most definitely the most colourful time of year in the garden. Endless bunches of flowers to pick to brighten up the house.

Like the leaves in Autumn, the blossoms in Spring add to auto-mulching of the garden!!!

With the wetter year, we saw Spring bulbs emerge that we hadn’t seen in quite a few years…….

I was very pleased to get a wonderful crop of tulips for the first year in several.

My Dutch Irises also did well for the first time in ages. The cockatoos did take a fancy to a few but we still have a nice little display.

I know it’s almost the end of spring when the tritonia and Summer bulbs emerge. Summer temps didn’t really eventuate all that fast though and we had more green than I remember in a long time. This meant plenty of arum lillies but not many peonies!

Summer again…

Soon it was back to December and Summer. We had a crop of giant asiatic lillies, plenty of aggies and my Zinnia’s favourite – zinnia flowers – or ‘me flowers’ as she used to love calling them!

That’s a wrap on the 2022 garden in pictures, certainly a colourful one!

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