Finally, a whole nights sleep! Astrid slept in her cot, all night until 7.30am 🙂 Happy days…. and when we went outside the sun was out. It was rather chilly, but the sun shining made everything better.
We headed out for some shopping. We are on the hunt for coats, gloves and hats for our trip to Switzerland, which is coming up next week. So far we have found many things we like but none in our price range.
We interspersed shopping with some sight-seeing and some morning tea. Apparently, coconut flan beats even chocolate croissant when you are Astrid! I don’t think we got much of the flan.
With the sun out, every tourist in Paris was milling around, taking photos. We walked around the 4th arrondissement and took some photos of the very impressive Hôtel de Ville , home of the City of Paris administration.

We also found some towers and fountains for Astrid to look at (or play in).

We then headed back up Rue Motorgueil, and back to our apartment for some lunch and Astrid’s nap.
In the afternoon we headed to Jardin Des Halles to let Astrid have a play. Of course half the children in Paris were also there. Astrid still enjoyed herself, despite being pushed off pretty much every piece of equipment by enthusiastic French babies.
We had thought we might try Italian restaurant below our apartment for dinner. At home Astrid has dinner at 5ish and is in bed by 6.30pm. We have been keeping her up later here so that she can sleep a bit later in the mornings. It’s pretty hard to do much before 9am due to the dark and cold. We thought heading out for dinner at 6.30pm would be safe, but hardly anywhere was open. We ended up going to the organic cafe across the road. I had a lovely roast vegie, lentil and goats cheese platter and Anto had a ham tartine, which Astrid stole most of. She was pretty well behaved, considering the hour.
On our way back to our apartment we noted the Italian restaurant opening, finally, at 7.30pm! We might try lunch there one day instead.
Hip hip hooray for the sunshine-y day!
Loving reading your daily updates with my not-so-French coffee each morning. Jane
Thanks Jane, I bet the morning tea isn't Paris standard either!