A four day weekend, filled with getting some gardening done and some other jobs around the house made me totally forget to post my Friday photo. Or maybe I just waited til today because Easter Sunday is an awesome time to post photos of delicious home made hot cross buns 🙂
Most Easters we make at least one batch of hot cross buns. Sometimes we eat them all and have to make more……..
These pics are actually from a couple of years ago. We did make a lovely batch of hot cross buns last weekend but Anto declared them unworthy of photographing. Mostly because he gave one to Astrid to eat before I had a chance to grab the camera. They looked pretty good to me and they tasted even better.
From memory the buns that appear in the photos also tasted pretty good! Love the shiny sticky syrup on them.

ISO 400, focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/400 @ f/11