The lady likes to lunch…… or morning tea or dinner….

Astrid has always been a fan of going out for coffee and cake, or lunch or dinner! To be fair, she was trained in Paris, where she had a lot of experience with morning tea of coffee and pastry with her parents.  Since getting back, she has continued to ask to go out for ‘babycino and cake’. Of course, my duty as a mother is to oblige, at least some of the time!

Before Astrid and I headed to Queensland to visit my parents for a week, we decided it was time for a coffee date with Astrid’s other Grandma, Lorraine.  With a little shopping on the agenda we headed to Silo in Kingston for coffees and pastry. After missing my Parisian treats, it was nice to actually have some pastries that came close to the standard to which I had become accustomed.  Grandma allowed Astrid to choose her own morning tea and she asked for a babycino and the almond croissant. She had been quite a fan of croissant aux almonde while we were in Paris, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. She certainly enjoyed her morning tea, and gave my orange brulee tart a run for it’s money too!

We had a lovely morning out and planned to do it again upon our return from Queensland. Off to Queensland we went, and Miss Astrid was thoroughly spoilt with the amount of morning teas we engaged in. The woeful Sunshine Coast weather meant we did quite a bit of shopping, and had quite a few opportunities for morning tea. We had to have Churros one day, which we don’t have in Canberra. Astrid hasn’t lost any of her love of the Spanish donuts you can dip in chocolate. Do you think she enjoyed them? So much so that the babycino was cast aside this day………

Then there was the discovering of ‘milkshakes’…… She had a milkshake one warm day in Paris but we hadn’t really given her any since then. Well, she decided that Granny’s iced chocolate and Gramps’ choc malted milkshakes both suited her needs. A chocoholic just like her dad! She is also partial to a bit of cake, any cake will do really!

Then there were the dinners. We managed to get out to Mexican, Indian and Italian during our 9 days. Nachos were a hit, Indian was OK but we were a bit tired that night and Italian was awesome. We ordered her the kids spaghetti bolognaise which was a huge hit. Somewhere along the line the photos on my phone of her shovelling/ slurping the spaghetti into her mouth have gone missing but it was impressive! I did catch her enjoying her kiddie meal icecream dessert though. She seemed keen to go back next time we are up.

Despite all the evidence in this post, I do feed our child vegetables (which she loves) and she doesn’t normally get that many morning teas in such a short space of time! At least she is fun to take out…… all that ‘training’ in Paris was worthwhile 🙂

Apologies for the somewhat questionable quality of the photos in this post, they were all taken with my phone and/or compact camera!

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