Easter treats, Astrid style!

We don’t usually do much for Easter, but it was a good excuse to make a batch of hot cross buns.  They came out of the oven, just before Astrid got up from her nap. As a result she had to sit on the floor and eat some ‘picnic style’ for her afternoon tea. With lots of butter of course!

I think she enjoyed them……..

While hot cross buns are pretty good, chocolate is even better!

Astrid had some chocolates sent in the post from Granny, but she had well and truly polished those off before Easter. A week or two ago we tempered some dark chocolate and made some fondant filled chocolates and some shaped chocolates using the molds we bought in Paris. We made Astrid a dark chocolate egg while we were at it. For Easter she got to eat her egg. Despite the fact that it was very rich, dark chocolate, with little sugar she devoured it. Takes after her parents in the chocolate stakes…….

 She was very excited by the ‘Easter choc, daddy made’. There wasn’t any left…..

One thought on “Easter treats, Astrid style!

  1. I'm surprised that you did not add in any of the photos of Astrid "gardening" … they would go well with the chocolate all over the face!

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