Favourite Photo Friday – 10/5/13

I’m slowly working my way through the Melbourne posts.  I should have the last couple done soon. If my computer decides to work rather than mysteriously starting, stopping then restarting itself in between refusing to run programs it would be quicker. Even Anto has no idea what is wrong with it, not a good sign!

At any rate, I do have the Friday photo for this week and will get cracking on our aquarium visit photos which I can hopefully post over the weekend.

Today’s photo is another one from Melbourne.  This was taken after our visit to the aquarium as we were walking over the bridge towards the Crown Casino complex to get our pizza dinner!  Again, Astrid seems to be having a great time 🙂


D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8
ISO 500, focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/1250 @ f/3.2

Incidentally this is one with my new Nikon f1.8 35mm lens I got for my birthday. I have posted a few photos from the new lens here and there but I am finally starting to like it. I was a bit disappointed in it to start with as it seems to behave a bit differently to some of my other primes and I wasn’t getting consistently good focus or nice bokeh……

After a bit more use I have been getting lots of pictures from it I love so it can stay for now! I did debate between a number of lenses of that focal length and decided on this one as it seemed to do everything I wanted and was a bargain, even brand new, but after a couple of weeks was wondering if I should sell it and get a different one but I think it is allowed to stay. Good thing, since I have more expensive lenses on the ‘want’ list so need to be saving for them!

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