I am still working my way through the editing of all the Fiji photos (got a bit side tracked with birthday party photos!). However I should have them done in the next week and some posts about our time away.
Today’s Friday photo is another Fiji one, but not a landscape (plenty of nice ones of those still to come). It’s some macros of a dragonfly that was sitting on the washing line one day. I’ve tried taking dragonfly macros before and they are quite tricky to do. I find bees and butterflies a bit easier as they tend to be more predictable to track and will rest on flowers for periods. Dragonflies do tend to stop but they get spooked easily and move very, very fast when they move. It’s not hard to get a photo of one, it’s just hard to get a good macro (for me at least).
These 2 shots are far from perfect but they do show some of the amazing detail in the head and body. Dragonflies are very cute (and seem to come in an array of spectacular colours). We get quite a few buzzing around our pond during Summer, but there are none to be seen at this time of year so I’ll have to wait a few months to get another opportunity to photograph one!

ISO 320, focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/3200 @ f/3.5

ISO 320, focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/400 @ f/10