It feels like we only just got back from our Fiji trip but it was time to head off again on another trip…… It was just a quick 8 day break to the Sunshine Coast for Astrid and I to visit my parents. We timed it so I was still OK to fly and it was still cold here but warm up there. Queensland certainly put on some lovely weather for us. Lots of 26 – 27 degree days and no rain!! When we left Canberra it was about 5 degrees and the afternoon we got back it was 2, so we didn’t mind the warm escape.
Of course Astrid has outgrown all her size 1 summer clothes and I hadn’t bought much in size 2 for Summer yet and I had no real Summer maternity stuff that fits. That, combined with a toddler helping me pack and total baby brain meant that we went up there with a hodge podge of clothes and shoes that were all too warm for the temps up there. Oh well, it provided an excuse for Granny to go shopping for Astrid and I just put up with being a little bit warm in my jeans and long sleeve tops. We did remember our swimmers at least! I totally forgot the sunhats, sunglasses and sunscreen so Astrid scored a new hat along the way too.
Luckily we had heaps of luggage allowance. This was Astrid’s first trip with her own (paid for) seat on the plane and her own bag allowance. Both directions we got a whole 3 seat row to ourselves, up the front and I obviously looked very tired or very pregnant as I had hostesses and passengers offering to carry my bags and bringing me extra drinks and face towels. Can’t complain about that! I was rather pleased Astrid had her own seat as my lap space is rapidly diminishing and the flight back from Fiji wasn’t that comfy so having her able to stretch out for the whole flight was bliss.
What did we get up to while we were away? Aside from lots of shopping there was plenty of swimming. The beach near my parents place was great for sandcastles and paddling and their spa was warm enough for us to swim in……..

We also went to the ‘big beach’ at Mooloolooba and thinking it was too cold for Astrid to want to go in we didn’t put her in swimmers, just expecting her to play in the sand and maybe get wet up to her ankles. Well, she was soaking wet and covered in mud in 5 minutes flat but had a ball!

After a long play at the beach we fed the Ibis and had a fish and chip lunch by the beach…..

There was also playing at the park…….

Plenty of eating out………..

Bubbles on the verandah (a novelty when it’s too cold to go outside here) ……

And hanging out with Granny, Gramps and Aunt Triona!

We also had time to catch up with some friends. We saw Sarah (and Malachi and Zander) for churros. We also caught up with Tania and Michelle and their boys (Finn, Jacob and Lucas) for a playdate. They kindly drove up from Brisbane to see us and the kids had a wonderful morning tea and play in the park!

Now we are home in the cold and back to life as we know it!