This week it’s all about the ears and being cheeky!

We started the week off with Keanan’s birthday party on the Sunday. Astrid of course was the picture of innocence, happily eating fairy bread, sausage rolls, cake (and anything else that took her fancy) and being slightly overwhelmed by the number of excitable boys at the party!  She did thoroughly enjoy her ‘pass the parcel’ experience and scored big time in the present area! The two lots of cat ears she got, and the books were hits.

While Astrid was oblivious to the Spiderman theme, everyone else was impressed and Keanan did a good impression of a superhero for the day!

Despite the amount of sugar she consumed, Astrid did manage a good sleep that night, and told me she ‘had heaps and heaps of fun!’. So well done to Sharyn for organising a great party! The party ears remained a hit for the rest of the week.

 The child refuses to wear a head band or hair clips but was happy to wear her ears all week. Requesting me to lift her up and show her the ears in the mirror, on numerous occasions. Anto and I have also been spotted wearing them at various intervals. Apparently it’s easier to look like a dork than argue with your 2 year old!!

You’ll notice the abundance of cheeky grins and silly faces little Miss A pulls these days. She is quite happy to ham it up for the camera and insists on looking at the photos of herself on the camera display after I’ve taken them.

Even when we were playing out in the garden, I got a variety of interesting expressions out of her……  

When she is being sensible you get something lovely like this:

……but I love the silly faces too!

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