Late Winter in the Garden

Unlike many of my lucky friends who live somewhere where it is already warm and Spring like, it’s still very much Winter here!  Lots of below zero mornings (minus 8 anyone?) and days where it doesn’t get above 8 degrees all day.  We have also recently had the odd day of 15 – 17 degrees, so Spring is definitely on the way, but we aren’t quite there yet.

The garden has started to flower nicely though. In another month things will be looking great!  At any rate it’s a pleasant change to look outside and see some colour appearing in the yard.

A few photos from this week……..

The snapdragons that have been flowering in my wine barrel all Winter (well since January when I planted them actually, so they are hardy!!):

The jonquils starting to appear under our fruit trees:

The Magnolias and Manchurian Pears with buds about the open:

…….. and the Cherry Blossom in front of our house with it’s buds ready to burst, and one solitary blossom out already!

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