The finished bump…….

I have posted some bump progression pics over the last couple of months. You can check out the evolution of the bump here and here.  Now that the baby is on the outside I can post the completion of the bump timeline…….

I made it all the way to 40 weeks.  The baby was born at 40 +2 after going into labour at 40 +1 so this is pretty much the finished size.  Weirdly I seemed to get smaller after 37 weeks. In reality I didn’t but the baby was pretty low and my bump looked a little smaller.  The last few days before he was born it was definitely all out in front, my belly button was so far out it had almost left the building and my belly was almost square from the baby tucked up inside. The midwives were always impressed at how it was easy to feel and identify baby bits through my belly and had declared him ‘robust’ just days before his arrival.

…. and to finish off a few of the photos Anto took of the bump at 38 weeks!

What was in there? This cutie…..

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