A collection of pics from Søren’s first 2 weeks!

I have a mountain of photos from the last few weeks…… I thought I took a lot of photos of Astrid when she was a newborn, but I’ve excelled myself this time – I’m at 542 photos just of Soren up until the end of October!  I won’t bore everyone with all of them but I’ll post a selection of my favourites from his first 2 weeks on the outside.

I have a ton of cute ‘newborn’ photos I took at a week old which I’ll do a separate post for and some family pics we had taken by a photographer which I’ll also post shortly.  Seemingly I have less time to edit photos and blog these days, so I’ll get on with it…….

1 day old  and cuddles with mum!


2 days old  – my squishy, peaceful face…….

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3 days old – Meeting the great-grandparents (Nan and Pa).

Nan is blind and mostly deaf, so she had to just feel Soren as she couldn’t see him.

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4 days old and cuddles with big sister Astrid (who still adores me)!



5 days – cuddles with a suited up Grandpa as he headed off to receive an award and peacefully sleeping with my bunny and a rug a friend knitted for my big sister!

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6 days – sleeping like an angel….

I love wrap me ups, just like my big sister (sssh, mum sometimes puts me in her pink one)!


1 week old, it’s a hard life!

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8 days -look how little I am!

Rob and Anto with their youngest offspring. We had to do a size comparison with baby Benjamin (now 5 months) as we did a similar one with Benjamin’s sister Sarah and Astrid as a newborn who are 3 months apart in age! …… and yet more cuddles with Granny.

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11 days – still sleeping peacefully!


13 days – cuddles with mum, my big sister, and the midwife who caught me as I entered the world, Janette!

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2 weeks – Briefly awake for cuddles with Uncle Mikl, but it’s tough staying awake for too long…….

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16, 17 and 18 days – meeting more family

I finally get to meet Gramps and Aunt Triona who have arrived from Queensland and Great Aunt Sue who is up from Victoria…..

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The last day of October

…….and I’m 18 days old and look at me, bright eyed and showing my awesome head control!
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