2 months already!

On Friday the 13th Soren turned 2 months! The only thing spooky about it, is how fast the time has gone. It seems only yesterday that he was born.  He is still a very good baby (and damn cute too). I don’t know if we just struck it lucky with a great baby or we are just more relaxed second time around. Astrid was a pretty good baby, so it’s not like we are comparing apples and oranges but it does seem Soren is exceptionally good. He still doesn’t cry very often, and he sleeps and settles well. He is a bit slow in the weight gain department like his sister was but it’s less stressful this time as we know what to do about it.

The last few weeks we have been getting massive grins and even the odd giggle. It’s extremely cute! He is still quite tiny but has grown a heap since he was born. At birth Soren was 49.5 cm long and 3.77kg. At 2 months he was 56cm long and 4.19kg!  So, not exactly a fatty but he is getting very long. Luckily the weather has warmed up and he can stick his long legs out of all his suits. His favourite things are still baths and cuddles. He is also enjoying time in his bouncer and on his playmat.  You can’t beat nappy off time either.

Oh how he has changed in a few short weeks. You don’t realise just how quickly they change until you look back at the photos……….. Here he is

Just Born

1 day old

1 week old

1 month old

6 weeks

7 weeks

……..and starting to show us the grins!

8 weeks

…. full of cute!

2 months old 

……..taken last Friday!

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