Astrid’s toddler room……

I previously posted about Astrid’s nursery.  I did a bird and owl theme and while it has evolved over time the room is still similar to what we started with (although with a lot more stuff!).  When I originally planned the nursery I wanted something that wasn’t going to be too baby-like so that we could adapt it to a toddler room and then a little girls room.  So far it has adapted well!

Just after she turned two, we took the side off Astrid’s cot and then shortly after moved her to her toddler bed (upon her request).  We knew we weren’t going to need the cot for awhile since Soren was always going to be in our room for a number of months, but Astrid was keen to be a big girl.

We bought Astrid a convertible toddler bed from IKEA and have set it up on the smallest setting, but she has room to grow!  Of course once she moved to a bed her lovely cot quilt I made for her didn’t fit well any more. Here is what her room used to look like, first set up with the cot and then her new bed:

Luckily Granny came to the rescue and helped make a new doona and pillow set for the bed.  I was very pregnant and over everything at the time so my mum was a sewing champion!

We made her a full sized doona so it will still work when the bed is extended. For now it is a little big for the bed but gives lots of room to snuggle up! Here is the new bedding and bed all set up:

A lot of the original bits pieces from the room are still in there but we’ve added lots of toys and trinkets over the last year or so.  I still love the birdy mobile I made and the original pictures and beanbag we had.  Her owl picture holder now gets regular use to display paintings and drawings she had done. Now that Astrid has developed a fear of the dark, the nightlight I made for her also gets regular use.  Not just for show anymore it would appear!

After our Paris trip we came home with some other bits and pieces for her room, a lovely pink birdcage and jewellery holder (which is now used for hair bands). She now also uses her jewellery box and money box she was given after she was born.  Anto repainted an old dolls cradle I used as a kid, and that is now a fixture in the room (along with my childhood doll, Victoria) as well as another birdy themed box we picked up, which seems to get used to hold dolls clothes and Astrid’s shoes! I also found an old teddy music box I was given by my grandparents as a child, and Astrid adores it and plays it every night as she goes to sleep.

Astrid still has her favourite owls I made her (stuffed with alpaca fleece) and her Ruby bear. They do move around the room a bit, and the owls often get put to bed under her old cot quilt on her toybox, but they are still well-loved

So here is what her room looks like at the moment……. fit for a cheeky little toddler!


Next up is a post on Soren’s nursery.  Stay tuned!

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