Favourite Photo Friday 21/2/14

For this week’s photos it is the cheeky cherubs (of course). Astrid is currently obsessed with making her tongue different colours. She had a green icey pole at Grandma’s the other night and had to come home and show me……… and demanded a photo of her being a green-tongued lizard!
Soren on the other hand, is still obsessed with putting any toy in his mouth, be it caterpillar, bunny or this week a lion!  
D7000 with Nikon 50mm f1.8G
ISO 500 focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f1.8

D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8G
ISO 800 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/80 @ f2.8

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