Happy half-birthday Søren Augustus!

On Sunday Soren turned 6 months! Slow down little baby, time is going too fast…… despite us all being sick the last few weeks and the resulting very long nights with small, unwell children (and adults), time is just flying by. Here he is on his half-birthday, cute as ever……

I last did a Soren post when he was 3 months. A lot has happened since then…… an overseas trip, lots of outings, learning to roll and almost crawl – oh and food, food, food! Soren is still pretty tiny at just 6 kilos and 63cm…… he isn’t stacking on the kilos quite yet and is still the size of an average 3 month old. We have finally put away some of the 000 clothes, but only because he has gotten too long for them (just)!  What he lacks in size he makes up for in personality and energy.

There are constant smiles, giggles and now conversations with raspberry blowing.  Soren still loves his big sister and is now able to play with her a little more.  His face lights up when he sees or hears Astrid and he loves chasing her (albeit very slowly) around the room. He is full of kisses, hugs and hair-pulling and lots and lots of slobber (in a cute baby way though).

Soren is a big fan of real food and is doing well with eating.  We are mostly doing baby-led-weaning (again) and I had blocked out how messy it is. It makes the toddler meal times look neat!  Soren still loves his jolly jumper, listening to books and songs and loves to go out walking the animals or just for a morning tea or lunch.  He was an excellent traveller during our trip to Singapore, sleeping, eating and grinning his way through our time away….. never really complaining about the heat or long days, even when he was sick. We think he was just angling for more overseas holidays!!!

Soren is still sleeping well, despite an utter refusal to sleep in his cot, which we mostly conquered, for days at least, a couple of weeks ago.  He certainly knows his own mind and can already throw epic tanties.  He is happy to go with the flow, but will only do things when he is good and ready……… sound familiar? He really is a cruisy baby, as long as you let him go with the flow, he will eat and sleep and be merry.

I’ve posted a stack of photos of Soren’s adventures in Singapore and out and about over the last few months but here are a few photos from the last month I haven’t shared yet…..

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they grow in the first year.  Look at how Soren has grown in his first 6 months……

In the next 6 months he will be well and truly on the move and no doubt start talking. I’m enjoying my last few weeks with only one yabbering at me all day long and not having to chase after 2 of them at once!

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