Favourite Photo Friday 23/5/14

We have just returned home from 10 days on the Sunshine Coast visiting my parents.  I’ll be posting more about our time away but for today here are a few lovely photos from one of the beach visits.

Astrid is a long team beach lover and going to the beach in Autumn, when it’s freezing back home, couldn’t be beat! Soren wasn’t quite as impressed although he started out happy enough as these photos show.

Loving the fresh air and sand….

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 200 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/5000 @ f2.2

Miss Cool….

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 125 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/6400 @ f2.8

Digging in sand with Granny….

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/1600 @ f3.5

Checking out the waves with Gramps……..

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/5000 @ f3.5

Jumping for joy……..

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/3200 @ f3.5

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