Favourite Photo Friday – 25/7/14

I haven’t posted the last two Fridays due to being away and some dodgy internet, but I thought I should do a post today.  I have lots of photos I love from our trip away. I’ve been posting lots in the Vitorian Road Trip blogs but I’ll pull out a few favourites over the next few weeks.

I ended up with way too many photos I love from our Ballarat stay, lots more here in this post  If I had to pick a few of my favourites it would probably be these though…….

What do you think?

Favourite Lake Wendouree pics……

D7000 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 200 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f/6.3
D7000 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 200 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/500 @ f/6.3

Favourite foggy morning Lake Wendouree pics……..

D7000 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 400 focal length 16mm
Exposure: 1/1250 @ f/4.5

D7000 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 400 focal length 14mm
Exposure: 1/800 @ f/4.5

Favourite Astrid & Anto pic….

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 400 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/3200 @ f/3.5

Favourite Eliza & Astrid pics…….

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 500 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/1250 @ f/2.8

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 500 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/1250 @ f/2.8

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