The 9 month Søren……..

Just a quick one for today……. I’m still recovering from all those long Victorian blog posts, so not too much rambling this time.

Søren is now rapidly approaching 10 months. Out longer than he was in!  He is super quick with his commando crawl. Never stays still. Climbs all over everything. Loves puzzles and pulling things to bits. His favourite (and only) words are Mum, Dad, bub and cat…….. they can be said a hundred different ways, with so much feeling and passion! He also purrs like a cat whenever he sees his feline siblings.  He is absolutely the cheekiest boy going around. Still only has two teeth but knows how to use them 🙂

At 9 months he is still on the bottom of the chart for weight and height but starting to chub up nicely. We are getting great value out of all our baby clothes. We can’t figure out how is still so small given he eats and eats and eats. If it’s food he loves it, we haven’t found a food he doesn’t like. His sister is teaching him the fine art of ‘dipping’ his food into condiments.  She was at least 15 months before figuring that one out!

Aside from his favourite pastimes of eating and commando crawling at high speed, Søren loves to butterfly with great force and excitement – in the shower, the pool, the bath or on the floor.  Water is constantly everywhere!

Enjoy some photos from the last week or two….. a 9 and a half month Søren being cheeky, chatting to the camera, making funny faces and trying to talk to his reflection in the floor and giving us his signature grin!


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