Belated Favourite photo Friday – 3/10/14

I’m a day late with photo Friday this week. In my defence the entire household is sick with a horrid virus and then we had our garage catch on fire the other day, which has meant a whole heap of unscheduled cleaning up.  So here are this weeks pics, better late than never……

This week it’s a couple of quick photos from Floriade, Canberra’s annual Spring flower show.  We went this morning and I’ll post more pics, including all the lovely flowers, hopefully later in the week.  For now it’s a couple of cuties of the kids I just grabbed off the camera. As you can see, they had a pretty good time!  I’ll give Anto credit for the picture of Soren, fairly sure he took that one…..

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 100 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f4.5
D7000 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 500 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/500 @ f5.0
D7000 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 500 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/800 @ f10.0

 By way of comparison, here is Astrid at Floriade last year……. she has grown just a bit!

D7000 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 320 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/500 @ f7.1

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