Big sister Astrid, a year on……

Last 1 October I posted about how Astrid was about to become a big sister later that month….. Even when her baby sibling was in utero she was very excited about becoming a big sister!

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since Søren arrived.  This time last year I was madly getting thing organised for his arrival.  Now a year later, first birthday plans are in full swing!

Here she is, this time last year, anticipating the babies arrival……

It was only another 2 week wait and her baby brother was here! From the day Søren was born she was besotted with him.  Almost a year later, and despite the fact that he now crawls around stealing her toys, ruining her train tracks, emptying her doll house, and pulling her hair, she still adores him!

Yep, she is a pretty good big sister (most of the time at least).

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