Roar like a DINOSAUR – Søren turns one – part 2!

In part 1 I posted about all the details of Søren’s dinosaur extravaganza, but I haven’t yet shared all his party excitement. Let’s face it, a one year old doesn’t really know what birthday parties are all about, but they definitely get into the spirit of the party and it’s a great excuse to celebrate surviving that first year and to catch up with the family and friends who have been watching them grow!

We’d had a celebration for Søren on his actual birthday …… breakfast out with his Grandparents and Uncle, presents, and a salted caramel mousse cake for him to blow his first candle out.  It ended up being a pretty good birthday and Søren certainly got into the spirit of the celebrating (even if he had no idea why he suddenly got to spend the entire day eating yummy food and play with wrapping paper and new toys).

Here are a few pics from the 13th, the day  Søren officially turned one……..

The rest of the week was spent preparing for his dinosaur party. A few late nights there cutting out bunting, straw flags, and making fondant dinosaurs! Luckily I had my trusty 3 year old baking assistant to help with all the food.

On the Saturday it was party day, and the morning was spent doing last minute cake icing and decorating. Søren was a tad annoyed at being somewhat ignored while large bowls of brightly coloured icing were being flung about the kitchen.  Luckily some cat ears and a Grandpa kept him entertained as he watched us ice cakes.

Before long it was baby nap time.  While Søren slept we finished off the food preparation (lots of fairy bread was produced) and set the party table up.  When Søren awoke from his nap, his Granny, Gramps and Aunt Triona had arrived from Queensland and there were a bucket load of balloons to play with.  He was looking a little confused at first as to why all the these people were in his house, but soon was happy to have cuddles and play with balloons.  There weren’t a lot of smiles to start with though….. it was all a bit much for him!

Before long it the guests started arriving……. suddenly the house was filled with over 60 kids and adults and there was lots of noise and excitement.  Astrid was pleased to finally be let loose on the party food. She had been hanging out all day to get into the food and punch and had been constantly asking ‘when the party was starting’.

Søren was a little more apprehensive but was definitely up for cuddles, noise and food.  He did mostly want to be held by me or Anto but plenty of people got a Søren cuddle.  Meanwhile all the kids and adults had lots of time to eat, drink and catch-up.  It was a beautiful Spring day, so the kids enjoyed wandering out to play in the sun (and our fish pond it would appear) and eating their body weight in sugar, food colouring and processed meats!


Søren’s favourite part of the party was food!!! He demolished some frankfurts, watermelon and then got stuck into some sausage rolls.  The best food was still to come though……..


Finally it was time for cake! The birthday cake beckoned and Søren was keen to get into it. He still isn’t sure about this blowing the candle out thing…… it was really an excuse to try and grab at the cake. Søren thought that cake looked delicious and couldn’t understand why we were restraining him!

Then it was time to eat the cake……..  Søren has had cake a few times, but never icing. The green buttercream looked like something he would enjoy.  About 2 seconds after sitting down on Granny’s lap he dived into that cake and was immediately planting his whole face in it. The cake didn’t last long and it was definitely his favourite part of the day!

After a good few hours of food, fun and frivolity, most of the guests had departed and Søren was well and truly ready for his afternoon nap.  Despite the excitement of the day he didn’t resist sleep for long and ended up having to be woken up in order to open his presents.

Søren was one spoilt little boy……. so many presents for such a little baby! He still isn’t all that sure about the present opening thing but luckily his big sister was more than happy to lend a hand.  If nothing else, crawling around the floor in a big pile of paper and boxes was good fun.  He scored lots of loot (including a fantastic number of dinosaur themed presents) and has had a wonderful week playing with them all!

After a day of balloons, food, cuddles and presents, both kids were well and truly exhausted and were asleep peacefully by 7pm.  The parents were also exhausted and thought we deserved a big glass of wine for a job well done. A huge thank you to all our family and friends who helped us celebrate Søren’s first birthday. It was fabulous catching up with you all!

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