Favourite Photo Friday – 28/11/14

This week it is a few photos of Astrid from a couple of weeks ago, a day when it was 38 degrees (in the middle of November, not even Summer yet!).  While her brother was having a nap we went outside to check on the garden and I grabbed a few pics of Astrid playing in the lavender.  It was very hot and the sun very bright so we didn’t stay out for long. Even from looking at these pics you can tell it was hot!

Astrid is all about the pensive looks still! She doesn’t want to smile for me and she is practicing her three year old serious face.  I still think she is cute though 🙂

D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f2.2
D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f2.2
D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f2.2

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