Water table fun ……. instant baby and toddler Summer fun!

For Astrid’s second Christmas (when she was 18 months old), she received a water table.  Several friends had suggested they were a hit with their kids so it went on the Christmas list and Uncle Mikl got her one.  It was an instant hit!

Here is an itty bitty Astrid, enjoying some Summer warmth and water………..
She quickly realised it was fun to strip off and get really wet. Gosh she looks small, and boy that water table was shiny and new!

Almost 2 years later and I would say that water table is one of the most used presents EVER. It gets pretty cold here in Winter and we learnt the Winter Astrid turned 2 that the water table had to be put away out of sight, as she would want to go out and play with it even when it was below zero and the water was well and truly frozen.

The water table made a re-appearance in the Spring and was a life saver when I had a newborn Søren to look after. On the warm Spring days I could open up the bi-fold doors of an afternoon and let her loose on the water table while I fed Søren sitting on the couch.  It was a life-saver, when trying to entertain a small toddler while spending hours a day feeding.

Summer, last year Astrid spent many an hour outside playing with her water-table. It gets left out in the elements so was starting to look a bit worse for wear but she didn’t care.

It got packed away over Winter and come early October we had some lovely Spring weather so we let her loose on sunny afternoons.  At 11.5 months Søren was looking a bit jealous of his big sister playing outside with his favourite substance, water. One day I thought I’d let him out and see what he did.  He can’t walk, but crawled straight over, hauled himself up and got some immediate instruction from his big sister.

Sørenwas thrilled to be able to splash, get wet and have fun with his big sister. Astrid LOVED having someone to play with and they happily played there for over an hour.

Yep, pretty sure he knows how to SPLASH…….
Happiness is sunshine, a sibling to play with and water!


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