Look at how he grew …….. Søren’s 2014!

As part of my series of posts wrapping up 2014 (in picture format) I thought I’d do a photo collage of how the kids grew over the year. I did this last year for Astrid and it was so amazing to see how she turned from a baby into a toddler.  You really don’t realise how much they grow until you see the photographic evidence.

Søren’s 2014 was all about him transitioning from a tiny newborn to a big one year old. He  learnt, to sit, crawl and then walk, grew lots of teeth, started saying words and thought he knew everything about the world. He was just 2.5 months old at the start of 2014 and was walking, exploring and leaving babyhood behind by the end of the year.

Whilst sometimes he still looks like my little baby, every day he is becoming a cheeky toddler and less baby-like.  It’s hard to imagine him being a fully fledged toddler very soon, but it is happening before our very eyes.  We remember Astrid at the same age (it was just before our 2 month Europe trip). We went away with her being still a baby and came back with a very independent little toddler.  It was a very fun age, so it’s going to be interesting to see what happens with Søren in the next few months.

For now, here is a look at how he grew in 2014. I could post 30 photos from each month, but here is just one, from the start of each month.

The days were long but the year was very, very short, Master Søren!

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