Look at how she grew – Astrid’s 2014!

Yesterday I posted Søren’s 2014 timeline. You always notice how much they grow in their first year!  Last year when I posted Astrid’s 2013 timeline I was amazed at how she had changed throughout the year.

The change hasn’t been as dramatic this year. Astrid was just 2.5 at the start of the year, and turned 3.5 just before Christmas.  At some point during the year, however, we noticed she had gone from a toddler to a little girl. I’m not entirely sure exactly when that happened, but she is SUCH a little lady now. Not a lot of toddler left in her (except perhaps the tantrums!).

In a few short weeks Astrid starts preschool. No longer a baby and growing up too fast……. Here is a look at one photo a month from 2014. Look at how she grew!


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