Favourite Photo Friday – 10/4/15

We’ve been home from Thailand almost a week now and I’m still way behind on the photo editing and blog posting…… It’s been a bit hectic with gymnastics, swimming, preschool, catching up on washing (when it has been constantly raining) and sorting out all the warm clothes due to the cold snap.  We came back to 5 degree temperatures and rain, a bit different to the 30 to 35 degrees we were having every day in Thailand!

Anyway, I have worked my way through half the Koh Samui photos and I’ll have a couple of posts about our Koh Samui part of the holiday in the next couple of days.  In the meantime here are a few of my favourite photos from Koh Samui….

Beach Sunset (on my birthday!)


D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 4000 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/500 @ f2.8

Astrid enjoying yet more chicken with cashew nuts at another beach dinner……

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/160 @ f3.5

Soren, swimming with Gramps……..

D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8G
ISO 100 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/1600 @ f2.5

Beach Sunset (on my birthday!)

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 4000 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/320 @ f2.8

Soren, thoroughly enjoying his outdoor bath!

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 100 focal length 52mm
Exposure: 1/320 @ f4.0

Astrid had to climb into her brother’s cot and give him a cuddle…….

D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 400 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/40 @ f4.0

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