Astrid, Søren and the bump……..

In another break from travel posts, I thought I should post some photos of the newest edition to the family while they were on the inside. It’s been a bit of an epic 9 months. I still haven’t finished those travel blogs from our latest European adventure and let’s face it, it’s going to take even longer now!  I had been hoping to get them all done before this bump made its way to the outside, but for some reason I’ve been a little bit tired and busy!

While I am not too shabby with the camera, I am pretty terrible at selfies so I made sure I got some good pictures of the kids and I with my pregnant tummy.  When you have, what feels like at the time a giant whale gut, having photos of it isn’t all that appealing.  However, it’s pretty cool to look back on………. and this is most definitely the last time I’m going to have a pregnant belly so it was important to get some pictures to celebrate.

I enlisted the help of my friend Gemma (Gemma Fisher Photography) and I’d suggested we meet at the Rose Gardens at Old Parliament House.  We made the most of the late afternoon Spring light. The gardens were beautiful and green and full of roses in bloom, so it ended up being the perfect spot. Incidentally Anto and I got married in the gardens, about a million years ago!

Astrid and Søren, never ones to be camera-shy had a wonderful time posing for Gemma and we got some great photos.  I was 37 weeks pregnant when we took these photos, and it was only a couple of weeks until baby made her appearance!

Some of my favourites are in the gallery below, you can click on any photo to enlarge it.

It’s been a little over a week now since my giant belly has been replaced by a 3kg bundle of cute.  I certainly don’t miss not being able to bend over or sleep comfortably but I’m very glad we got these beautiful photos while baby was still on the inside……….

Many thanks to Gemma for her time and talent.  Plenty of baby pictures coming up soon!

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